Muhammad Aladdin

Muhammad Aladdin (Il Cairo, 7 ottobre 1979) è un autore egiziano di romanzi, racconti e sceneggiature. Considerato tra i più brillanti esponenti della nuova generazione di scrittori egiziani emergenti, ha pubblicato la sua prima raccolta di racconti nel 2003 e ad oggi è autore di quattro romanzi – Il Vangelo di Adamo, Il trentaduesimo giorno, L’idolo, Il piede – e tre raccolte di racconti – L’altra riva, La vita segreta del Cittadino M. e Giovane amante, Nuovo amante – sofisticati affreschi, spesso dai toni noir, di una società invischiata in segreti e reticenze.

Muhammad Aladdin (Il Cairo, October, 7, 1979) also known as Alaa Eddin is an Egyptian novelist, short story writer, and script writer. His first collection of short stories was published in 2003, and he is the author of five novels—The Gospel According to Adam, The Twenty-Second Day, The Idol, The Foot, and A Well-Trained Stray—and three short story collections—The Other Shore, The Secret Life of Citizen M, and Young Lover, New Lover, As one of his generation’s noted young writers in both Egypt and the Arab countries, Aladdin has gained acclamation for his first novel published ‘’The Gospel According to Adam’’ in January 2006. The work has been hailed by writers like Bahaa Taher and Sonallah Ibrahim to be among the best of a promising new crop. That novel breaks the conventional format of the novel, consisting as it does of a single 60-page-long paragraph that is written in a stream of consciousness style. A reviewer for Al-Ahram’s literary page on May 10, 2006 stated that ‘’The Gospel According to Adam’’ reflects “a social reality that has lost all certainties”.

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